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I love food. I love cooking. I love drinks. I appreciate proper service. I love restaurants. Not necessarily expensive ones. Rather places with soul and spirit, where gastronomy and guests are respected. I freak out with bad food and neglecting service.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Le Rouge (Verbier, Switzerland)

Le Rouge Restaurant & Club is one of the biggest hit right now in Verbier, at one of the coolest ski-resorts of Switzerland.

To be honest, I've never had such a controversial experience ever in my life in terms of a restaurant. The perfect combination of a MUST and an AVOID. Kind of a hate & love relationship.

The restaurant is located just right the end of a slope, therefore on the late afternoon this place is THE aprés-ski spot for everyone, but mainly for the rich and beautiful. (And of course for those they think they are rich and beautiful. Or at least one of the two.)

The design is extremely cool. Creative, welcoming, stylish. It's got a lovely Swedish touch spiced up with a modern high-end chalet idea and decorated with old winter sports pictures. Perfect!

Unfortunately, the service is a great flop. If you see the job descriptions on their advertisements, it's always for skilled staff. Preferably just out of one of the great hospitality schools of Switzerland. The question is why they can't hire them at the end...

If you try to get a table for dinner, you have to book it well in advance. When you get there don't be scared if nobody notices or greets you. It takes a few long minutes to react on your arrival. But no reason to panic. Anyways you have to wait for your table about a half an hour at the bar, where you supposed to have a drink. If someone would ask, what would you like to have... Extremely busy barman. Initially you'll get to your table, after witnessing several groups, clearly the restaurant manager's friends disappearing within a minute to their tables, waiters running around without any reason, and - because of the (half)open design - the kitchen swimming in chaos....

Once you get to your table, the service gets fast and furious. The arrogant waitresses suddenly turn into friendly people and you tend to forget about your previous adventure. Mainly because overall the place has got a great atmosphere and you dine with really stylish people around you. High society from all around the world.

Disappointingly the menu is not well set. Most of the people order the same starter and it's limited on fish. The offer looks very stylish on paper, but in reality the food is really average and lacking of that fine cuisine touch, they pretend to offer. Rather a show - off fusion cuisine try with a strong neglect touch. Looks nice, taste nothing special. Brave presentation, courages preparation. Not even scared to pre-cook dishes and use a reliable microwave option.

The place is overpriced for what it offers. Nevertheless, if you want to have a chat with someone important after your ski holiday in Switzerland, you have to dine there.

Overall: Try it once and enjoy the atmosphere. Don't expect much from the food and shake off the lingering arrogance...

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