About Me

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I love food. I love cooking. I love drinks. I appreciate proper service. I love restaurants. Not necessarily expensive ones. Rather places with soul and spirit, where gastronomy and guests are respected. I freak out with bad food and neglecting service.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

wings of taste

I like to travel. It’s always been a great pleasure for me. Embracing different cultures, get lost in their gastronomy and life style for a short period of time it’s just fun. I don’t mind the packing chaos, the pre-trip stress or the taxi hunting before the check-in. But there is something during my trips, what is hunting me. Frequently reminds me of quality and service and pulls me in again and again to my never-ending war against horrible, unhealthy, ready-made industrial food. It’s called: AIRPLANE MEAL.

And not just on the good old economy class. I have the same opinion on business class meals as well. Just because it’s served with metal cutlery instead of a paper box, it’s the same experience. Just bad.
And it all starts with those fancy paper boxes strictly decorated according to the latest art design ideas. A waste of effort of the designer team and even more money on the production costs. In 5 minutes it’s going to land in the rubbish bin anyways.  It feels like a silent interactive theater. It’s a sarcastic comedy with a tragic end about food. The play is always the same. Looking forward to get THE box. It arrives sooner or later with a smile or an ignorant way, depends on your luck. Fingers moving, it’s the grand box opening ceremony. Eyes wide open with a touch of disbelieve. You bite with hopes. Silence falls onto the plane. The second bite. You take another look at your snack with faces of disapproval, yet brave chewing and swallowing follows. The stomach starts sending a strong "SOS PLASTIC" signal. Looking around for approval from others. Chewing. Swallowing. Coffee arrives. Relief. Box closing. We are still alive.

I wish the airlines would understand the importance of food and its influence. Instead of wasting money on fancy meal boxes, they would focus rather on better food quality. Who wants to eat crap from a nice box instead of eating something proper from a plain re-cycled paper box? I bet you wouldn’t miss those funny peppers and tomato pictures. Would you? I thought so…